
Posts Tagged ‘change’

“It may seem naively idealistic, but I know that as long as we can imagine a better tomorrow, we can work towards a better tomorrow.  Such idealism has seeded the world with some of its greatest accomplishments and social institutions.  I can change my own life and practices to make these ideals live in what I do in my life today.”

— James Orbinski, M.D., Past President of Médecins Sans Frontières

Though one can argue that what the world needs is a lot more systematic change, and not simply individual change, the fact remains that a combination of both is necessary.  Because people are the building blocks of organizations – it’s people that can affect change.  To be plain spoken, the buck stops here!

Many organizations concentrate and emphasise processes, procedures, databases and forms, etc, to help improve efficiency and effectiveness.  While this certainly can be part of improving organizations, it remains that the people within it cannot remain unchanged or the improvements will have no effect.  A disconnect between changes in processes and the changes in the people who apply them can only lead to a negative outcome.

Changing the people within the organization has very little to do with “navel gazing”.  Creating change from within an organization is about acknowledging that change affects people – and that people affect change.  Big and small.

How are you changing your own life to create a better tomorrow?

What actions are you putting into practice that affect positive change?

How is this change affecting your organization?

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